SAMOS data have been sorted by vessel and year. All netCDF (*.nc) and ASCII (*.asc) files have a sequential version number. The public netCDF and ASCII files have completed 2 levels of quality control (see Handbook), and contain identical data values and quality flags.
The file names have the following format: for ASCII)
The components of the file name include:
Up to an 8 alphanumeric character identifier for the site. May be a ships call sign or a WMO number for a surface station or buoy. A "_" will mark the end of the ID. |
Four digit year of the first record in the file.
MM: |
Two digit month of the first record in the file. |
DD: |
Two digit date of the first record in the file. |
vVVV: |
SAMOS version number. Typically greater than or equal to 100 (v1.0.0). |
OO |
Two digit number describing the order in which files are received. This number begins at 01 and is incremented if more data is transmitted for the same day. |
.nc |
NetCDF format. ( .asc indicates ASCII file) |