SAMOS - Ship Recruiting
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Ship Recruiting
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MissionRead about the objectives of the SAMOS Initiative and how the initiative plans to achieve these goals. The objectives can only be achieved through a close partnership with vessel operators and marine technicians.
Desired DataView a list of meteorological and oceanographic parameters that the initiative seeks to obtain from vessels.
Benefits to VesselHow will participation in SAMOS benefit your vessel operations and data stewardship?
Partnership with GOSUDA recent workshop has outlined plans for a data exchange with the Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Pilot Project.
Steps to ParticipationWhat are the steps to having your vessel(s) participate in the SAMOS Initiative?
Metadata InterfaceShip operator interface to add/modify metadata for their institution's vessels. Login required. Instructions below.
Metadata Interface InstructionsMetadata interface use instructions and walk-through tutorial. [pdf]
Metadata SubscriptionIf you would like a subscription account, please contact