SAMOS - Web Services
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Web Services

JSON services

Preliminary File The Preliminary File service can be used to retrieve data for the last file received from ships. By default, the service displays data for all active ships.
Available functions:
  • ships (specify which ship(s) to display data for)
  • pretty (displays in human-readable format)
Preliminary Quality The Preliminary Quality service is used to retrieve quality information for the most recent days of data received from ships.
Available functions:
  • ships (specify which ship(s) to display data for)
  • days (specify number of previous days to receive information for)
  • pretty (displays in human-readable format)
Cruise Dates The Cruise Dates service can be used to retrieve the date range for which SAMOS data are available for a given cruise identifier based on the cruise vocabulary maintained by the Rolling Deck to Repository. Options allow a user to specify the SAMOS quality processing level and to receive a full list of the the Threads URLs for data available for the selected cruise.
Available functions: