Partnerships are essential to the success of the SAMOS initiative. The initiative thanks those who have already contributed and
continues to seek new expertise and resources.
- User Community
Provides scientific input to establish sampling methods and accuracy targets. SAMOS will continue to engage a wide user community to develop products for both research and operations.
Since 2008, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology has coordinated submission of SAMOS observations from several research vessels operated by Australia and New Zealand. This collaboration is an initiative of the Australian Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) and has provided access to a wealth of observations from the Southern Ocean. The data provided to SAMOS are managed by the IMOS – SOOP Air-sea flux sub-facility, which conducts independent data quality control (based on SAMOS procedures) and provides numerous additional shipboard datasets (including derived air sea fluxes) through their THREDDS catalog.
In 2009, the SAMOS data center partnered with the Rolling Deck to Repository to provide stewardships for real-time meteorology and thermosalinograph data from universtiy-operated research vessels. As of 2014, ten university-operated research vessels routinely contribute to the SAMOS data center. In addition, WHOI actively participated in the 2005 pilot project, and UNOLS members have provided critical feedback on data exchange methods, metadata standards, etc.
The NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations has developed a SAMOS data application for the Scientific Computing System (SCS) version 4.0. This application will allow data transmission in SAMOS format from most NOAA vessels and UNOLS vessels using SCS 4.0. The SAMOS data center provides daily data quality statistics for all recruited NOAA vessels to OMAO via a JSON web service.
- VOSClim Program
Participants continue to provide expertise to create the SAMOS metadata specification.
Opened dialog in 2004. The Global Ocean Surface Underway Data (GOSUD) pilot project provided input on data and metadata standards. A joint workshop in 2006 focused on establishing a data exchange whereby the SAMOS DAC will provide data qality evaluation of meteorological data collected by GOSUD and the GOSUD data center will evaluate the near-surface ocean data collected by SAMOS.
Interested in SAMOS goal to improve marine meteorological observations. SAMOS initiative will provide critical
data for benchmarking air-sea flux products. As a joint effort of SAMOS and the WGSF, a "Guide to making climate quality meteorological and flux measurements at sea" was published by NOAA ESRL in Fall 2006 and introduced to the vessel operator
community at INMARTECH (October 2006).
- Others
Constructive feedback has been provided by members of JCOMM, SOT, SeaKeepers, and the international research vessel community. The SAMOS initiative welcomes ongoing collaboration with the NOAA Office of Climate Observation (OCO) and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).